The University of Arizona
College of Optical Sciences

Collection Home > Telescopes > Single-Draw > Bradford Single-Draw


Bradford Single-Draw Telescope

Signature I. Bradford & Son, London

Date Early 1800s
Dimensions English Metric
Main Tube Diameter(eye) 1.7in 43mm
Main Tube Diameter (obj) 2.3in 59mm
Total Length 31.6in 802mm
Closed Length 26.2in 665mm
Objective Clear Aperture Diameter 1.6in 41mm


This single draw telescope has a tapered mahogany barrel, covered in brown leather. All brass parts are silvered. The objective lens, contained in a silvered brass cell, is an achromatic doublet. It has a silvered-brass push-on cap, embossed with various circular designs. It has one draw, a four-lens eyepiece, and a flared eyecup with an internal sliding cover. It is marked "I. BRADFORD & SON LONDON" in small print on the face of the eyecup.




College of Optical Sciences
The University of Arizona, 1630 East University Boulevard, Tucson, Arizona U.S.A. 85721-0094

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